
Contemplating, Who Am I ?...

If you would free yourself of the sufferings of the Six Realms, you must learn the direct way to become a Buddha.

This way is no other than the realization of your own Mind.

Now what is this Mind?

It is the true nature of all sentient beings, that which existed before our parents were born and hence before our own birth, and which presently exists, unchangeable and eternal.

So it is called one's Face before one's parents were born.

This Mind is intrinsically pure.

When we are born it is not newly created, and when we die it does not perish. It has no distinction of male or female, nor has it any coloration of good or bad. It cannot be compared with anything, so it is called Buddha-nature.

Yet countless thoughts issue from this Self-nature as waves arise in the ocean or as images are reflected in a mirror.

The above Bassui Tokusho quote is from the book Contemplating Who Am I?.

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