
The Soul ...

I often put Van Morrison on my blog because He, Jackson Brown, Ravi Shankar, and a few 'Blues Singers' are Mystics..

Listen to the words, They are musical poetry..

If I were to sing, I would sound like this..

It is the 'Soul' that cries..

When all the marching music and dancing music has bored you,

-- Return!

The Soul will not be denied..

The Soul is all you have as a hope of happiness..

The Soul is the Light that enters the illusions..

The illusions exist within Us..

We are the inside and outside..

There, in Reality is no positive and negative.

There is Contemplation within Mind that sees Nothing not even Itself..

When, We forget the dreams, We return to Contemplation..

What is Existence without Now ?..

namaste, thomas

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