

As man rises above passion, so he begins to know what is love.

Bowl of Saki, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:

To an angelic soul, love means glorification
To a jinn soul, love means admiration
To a human soul, love means affection
To an animal soul, love means passion.

One need not fall in love, one must rise through love. Pour out floods of love, yet keeping your garment of detachment from being wet.

... To what does the love of God lead? It leads to that peace and stillness which can be seen in the life of the tree which flowers and bears fruit for others and expects no return.

... A person who is able to help others should not hide himself but do his best to come out into the world. 'Raise up your light high', it is said. All that is in you should be brought out, and if the conditions hinder you, break through the conditions!

He who says, 'I love you but only so much; I love you and give you sixpence but I keep sixpence for myself; I love you but I stand at a distance and never come closer, we are separate beings' -- his love is with his self.

As long as that exists, love has not done its full work. Love accomplishes its work when it spreads its wings and veils one's self from one's own eyes. That is the time when love is fulfilled.

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