
More of the Gospel of Thomas...

Jesus said,"This Paradise shall pass and the Paradise beyond it shall pass as well.

The dead are not alive and those who live shall not die.

When you eat what is dead, you made it into that which is living.

When you become in the light, what will you do?

On the day that you were one and became two, when you become two, what will you do?"


The paradises' are the higher frequencies leading to Reality, as you dissolve ego, you progress into these higher dimensions..

The dead are those that believe that they are the ego, the alive are those that know that they are Divine Consciousness..

The continuation of material existence requires the circle of matter exchange. Energy is transfered into another entity.. A deeper meaning to this is, that once the ego is consumed or otherwise becomes non existent, the Living Light is Realized...

The Light is You, when You have surrendered the egoic consciousness.. When You are One within the Light, You will begin to surrender even this Divinity to be absorbed into Pure Awareness..

You are One and entered the Duality of separation called two, As two, you became the ego and now desire to return to One as Divine Consciousness..

Although, this knowledge is meant to discover on your own, I think that those in this room are ready to ascend to deeper understanding of Reality..

I hope this helps you to understand the esoteric (hidden) language of Mystics..

namaste, thomas

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