
Why Did You Choose ?...

You could have used the illusion of any physical body within all of the entities of the material realm but somehow, You have chosen to use the human body as a vehicle of knowledge..

This is called the 'prison planet' because Archons deceive the Soul into re-entering a body in reincarnation as a means of energy harvesting..

The Archons are negative entities that survive by absorbing the negative energies of fear and pain..

These entities exist above the third dimension and are invisible to the limited abilities of the frequencies of our sight..

The Muslims call these entities, 'Jinn",, the Christians call them 'Devils'..

In this world of Duality, We have chosen to learn of both negative and positive..

Jesus would often force these entities to leave human bodies in what is called 'exorcism'..

This knowledge rings a bell within you but also a sense of incredibility..

I do not often speak of these lower beings of frequency because, We are above all of these illusions of existence and should not concern ourselves with illusions..

I am now speaking of these entities because they control the humans of power, wealth, and fame..

Watch those that rule the world and know that they do not speak Truth..

They serve the 'Prince of Lies', therefore, they cannot speak Truth..

Do you now see the Duality present within this Dream?..

Everything that an Archon or it's minion does is the opposite of Reality..

Everything is upside down and inside out..

It is their mission to be the exact opposite of Love and Reality..

Love creates, the ego destroys..

They worship the ego, called Lucifer or Satan or whatever name that you desire to call non-love..

Love is God, the ego is the opposite of God..

Our mission is to dissolve the ego and return to God..

It is this simple...

namaste, thomas

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