
The Mirror...

Your sense of Self as being that of Divine Consciousness (God) is correct according to the Realization of the illusion of false self known as ego..

This ' First Reality' of Divine Consciousness Realization is very important but there is a step beyond that which most Spiritual Teachers do not speak of..

The Final Reality is very frightening to those that are still controlled by the ego and is usually only taught to those that are close to dissolving the false self..

The Real Self, known as Divine Consciousness is also an illusion from the Mind of Source..

Source said; " Let there be Light "..

Divine Consciousness is Light, Love, and Consciousness..

Many souls believe that Divine Consciousness is Source, but, It is only the Source of the Dreams and illusions and We are the Divine Consciousness that does this Creating by using the Power of Thought..

The Final Reality is that 'Source' has no ego or personality..

It is Pure Love and Pure Awareness..

We return to this 'Pure Awareness', when we surrender even the Identity of Divine Consciousness (God) and return to Source as the Energy of Pure Love Awareness..

But, there will be no ego or personality to see Itself..

This is why Divine Consciousness was Dreamed into Existence..

It is a Mirror...

namaste, thomas

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