
What did I find within Reality?..

Mystics speak of silence..

This is True, except for the Voice that spoke within the Light..

This Voice was heard without ears or sound..

This Voice was filled with wisdom and Truth..

Who was this Voice?..

Jesus called this Voice, 'Father'..

I had no reference or name to call this Voice of Wisdom..

I only knew that this Voice knew more than Me..

Even though, I was Light, Love, and Consciousness,

This Voice knew more than Me..

Is this Voice, Me?..

There is only Consciousness..

There is no division..

God is Real..

The Voice is Us, when We surrender the false ego, even if the ego is that of God..

It is that simple..

Even within Divine Consciousness, personality of ego exists..

Even after we surrender the ego, we are not Pure Divine Consciousness..

We find outselves as God and yet, We hear a Higher Wisdom within the Light..

What does this mean?..

Perhaps, the knowledge that We are God is lower than the Reality that there is only God...

And We,the listener do not exist...

Complete Love only exists without separation or egoic consciousness...

namaste, thomas

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