
Unconditional Love...

These Two Words are all the education that you need within this life..

We have thousands of books of spirituality and bibles from thousands of years of inquiry..

They are all the paths of humility called Love..

This Humility of Love is called the 'state of non-ego'..

This state of non-egoic desire and attainment is the only reason that We are here..

The seach for Love is found within almost all humans..

Why do people seek something that is not visible and yet contains the only Joy found within this manifestation ?..

The answer is that the Love that we seek is really the Joy of Reality or what some call God..

The answer to the Knowledge of life and God is found within the words: 'Unconditional Love'..

Unconditional Love and non-egoic consciousness are One and the Same..

You stop judging others and begin to see the pain and struggles within others..

The ego was the Judge..

Love sees no reason to Judge..

God does not Judge you, as there is no one to Judge..

Karma becomes just a false myth..

You have returned to the place of non personality..

The place called " Unconditional Love".........

namaste, thomas

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