

Nothingness by Alan Watts has been viewed thousands of times by seekers of Truth..

What draws souls to this knowledge?..

It is the inward knowledge of Reality..

We are Nothing..

It is that simple..

We fear being Nothing..

Our egos' fear being Nothing..

Nothingness means being without egoic consciousness.. that is all

Do we exist?..

Yes , as Energy..

No personality or egoic consciousness..

Get beyond this fear of Nothingness..

There is only God (Divine Consciousness) and beyond that, the void of Pure Awareness..

What is there to fear?..

You are the Energy of God without the personality of separate ego or name..

Should you fear Reality?..

Of course not, You have never been born or shall never die..

You are Pure Awareness..

Surrender the illusion of separation..

God is All that does exist..

Love is All that does exist...

namaste, thomas

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your explanations are always so elegant and true however I have given much thought to this thing we call NOTHINGNESS and would like to add this:

NOTHINGNESS cannot be accurately labeled as such, as there is no such thing in my mind.

As long as thought, or awareness exists....divine consciousness ..... there exists a thing.....thus NOTHINGNESS is not an accurate label for this state of being.

Divine consciousness is SOMETHING....what is beyond that is quite intriguing I am sure.

Much love to you today and always

