
true being...

When it is said that the mystic's own mental construction is
responsible for the visions he sees,

whether these be of a living guru
distant in space or a dead one distant in time or a scriptural God,

is not meant that such construction is a voluntary activity.

On the
contrary, it is both involuntary and subconscious.

This is the
psychological explanation of such phenomena, but what is the
metaphysical one?

This is that the mystic, not having evolved to an
understanding of the formless, timeless, matterless character of true
being, nor to the capacity to concentrate on it, is given a
spaced-timed-shaped image on which to concentrate.

What gives him this

It is his own Overself.

— Notebooks Category 16: The Sensitives > Chapter 15: Illuminations > # 104
Paul Brunton

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