
Beings of Light..

I have read this discription of spirit many times and have decided to opine upon it..

When I have surrendered the desire for egoic consciousness and entered the nothingness of egoic personality called Divine Consciousness,

I have awakened into the Realisation that I was Light,Love, and Consciousness..

Is this the 'being of Light' that is spoken of ?..

Or is the being of Light, that which is within the human form..

I suppose that it does not matter..

The main supposition is Light..

This begs the question,

What is Light ?..

Light is created by friction..

particles hiting each other..

Do the vibrations of Consciousness and the binding of non-egoic energy create a friction called Light ?..

I doubt if anyone knows..

I just know that this Identity of Light, Love, and Consciousness is a feeling of Bliss.

This is actually where We exist and Dream from..

This is the place that We call God..

This is the place that We hide from,

beneath this veil of ego..

We speak and wonder about what is real and what is illusion,

but, the fact is that, We can only know Reality by being Reality...

namaste, thomas

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