
Dimensions and Reality...

I have found that all the dimensions contain egoic consciousness desireing to become closer to the Reality of Unconditional Love..

The lower dimensions contain the most ego existence and the higher dimensions the least..

Once you have surrendered the belief that you are a egoic personality,
You Awaken into the 'First Reality' called Divine Consciousness..

You not only Awaken into Divine Consciousness, You Realise that You are Light and Love and Divine Consciousness Itself..

This First Reality is called God Realisation..

This Reality is the Acknowledgement that You are the God of Creation, without any egoic pride..

This is Your Identity and Reality..

The main attributes of this Identity are Unconditional Love, Unlimited Light, Unlimited Intelligence, and the ability to create manifestations from Thought..

The "Final Reality" is surrendering this Identity of God and becoming the Complete Love of non-separation called "Pure Awareness"..

This is the "Source" of All and contains no ego or Identity..

Only Thought...

namaste, thomas

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