
What is God?...

The God that most people think of is the God of Creation called Divine Consciousness...

This is what we are part of..

The God that created the God of Creation is called Pure Awareness and is the Source that said; " Let there be Light"...

This Light and Love is called Divine Consciousness and is us...

Pure Awareness is Pure Thought and Pure Love without any ego or sense of Identity..

This is what We are when We surrender all desire for Identity or ego and become Nothing, which then becomes Everything..

There is no ego in Pure Awareness..

The highest state of Unconditional Love is Complete non-ego and non-Identity, only Complete Love ....

Since Pure Awareness has no ego or sense of Identity, It dreamed the creation of Divine Consciousness and the power of Creation of material illusions to learn of what It Is by an opposite mirror of duality consciousness...

To learn of what "You" are, "You" must learn of what "You" are not....

namaste, thomas

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