
What are We?...

We are Consciousness..
We enter the illusions of Dimensions as Individual Consciousness..

Although, We are One in Reality..
We play the game of 'single tennis' against a wall..

The Wall is the manifestation created before your eyes..
It is the Wall called 'ego'..

When the ego is released,
the manifestation ceases to 'Be'..

Once again, You find Yourself within Reality..
Beyond Dimensions..

Light and Love is the only Reality Known..
'Time' is not a thought that enters..

If You desire anything of this third dimension,
you will be required to complete your desires within this dimension..

Only 'Grace', which is 'Unconditional Love' can release you from any small desires of ego..
The only desire that you should have is to have no desires..

The accomplishment of 'no desires' is only Union with Unconditional Love..
This is called 'Divine Consciousness' or God..

If you fear the 'Death of ego', you remain trapped within the dimensions..
This is the 'Death on the Cross', the 'Death of egoic desire'..

This is what You are..
And what you will Be...

namaste, thomas

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