
Non-Duality Quotes...

•RUPERT SPIRA — “There is no relationship between that which is not and that which is. The activity of resisting and seeking that is sometimes called the ‘ego’ appears to veil the non-dual nature but in fact does not. Therefore, the ego is only real from the point of view of the imaginary ego”

•SCOTT KILOBY — “You can never find the actual object “self” or “ego.” You only find the movement that seems to refer to an ego.”

•NIRMALA — “Words do not contain the truth, they only point us to it.”

•GARY CROWLEY — “Do notice that everything has changed and nothing has changed, since it’s what you have always already been.”

•RANDALL FRIEND — “Appearance is essence, essence is appearance. Not-two.”

•GREG GOODE — “Form and emptiness are inseparable. You never have one without the other.”

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