
God has no purpose...

Q : Is not this world and what takes place therein the result of
God's will? And if so why should God will thus?

Bhagwan Ramana:
God has no purpose. He is not bound by any action. The
world's activities cannot affect Him. Take the analogy of
the sun. The sun rises without desire, purpose or effort,
but as soon as it rises numerous activities take place on
earth: the lens placed in its rays produces fire in its focus,
the lotus bud opens, water evaporates, and every living
creature enters upon activity, maintains it, and finally drops
it. But the sun is not affected by any such activity, as it
merely acts according to its nature, by fixed laws, without
any purpose, and is only a witness. So it is with God. Or
take the analogy of space or ether. Earth, water, fire and
air are all in it and have their modifications in it, yet none
of these affects ether or space. It is the same with God.
God has no desire or purpose in His acts of creation,
maintenance destruction, withdrawal and salvation to
which beings are subjected. As the beings reap the fruit of
their actions in accordance with His laws, the responsibility
is theirs, not God's. God is not bound by any actions.

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