

In general the path of embodiment asks that you live your understanding from moment to moment. As my friend and teacher Adyashanti put it, serve the truth you know yourself to be. Rather than allowing yourself to fall back into old patterns, live the silent presence--the empty fullness, the openness, peace, and clarity you experienced when you woke up--in every situation. In other words, be who you are.

This requires what my teacher Jean Klein called earnestness or sincerity, a deep, abiding commitment to the truth in all circumstances. Awakening tend to ignite it, but this commitment may flag from time to time as the ego puts up a fuss. If you appear to have a choice, choose the truth again and again--not only the absolute truth of your being but the relative truth of the moment. In its efforts to maintain control, the ego tends to fudge, obscure, or avoid the truth in order to manipulate situations for its own benefit. Instead, the process of embodiment asks that you tell the truth and let go of the outcome, which involves a major leap into the unknown.

Wake Up Now
Stephan Bodian

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