
Belief and Books...

So much belief and credence is given to the bible,torah,koran,and so forth, but are these needed?.. Have we risen in Consciousness to travel beyond words.. Does God need books to reveal what is already visible?.. You are immersed in Knowledge and Truth if you dare to see and feel.. you seek Love within your life and yet you do not Know that Love is God.. you keep looking up into the sky or in books to find God and yet all you have to do is feel Love.. This is both the Essence and Being of God.. How long will we live in pain and separation before we Realise that "belief" is the wall that separates us from Reality.. Reality and God do not need belief, to exist.. We use this power of thought called belief to create.. do we think that we can create God by the power of belief?.. but, this is what is being taught by religion.. as though we are giving a gift to God by believing in Him/Her/It...We do not need to believe, We need to Realise Reality..........namaste, thomas

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