
Principles of The Infinite Way..IMPERSONALIZATION ...

"Impersonalize God; impersonalize evil. Know the nature of I as universal being, universal life. Do not allow the `veil' that personalizes God to be put back on. Make no image of God: do not make a wood carving; do not make an ivory carving or a gold carving; do not make even a mental image of God. Then you will not be personalizing God.

"The minute you have an image of God in your thought, you are personalizing, and you are expecting that concept to be God, and a concept cannot be God. Only I can be God, and you cannot have a mental image of I. That is the one word that defies description. Try as you will, you cannot make a mental image of I.

"Once this truth has been unveiled for you, it will never be veiled for you again. You will never be able to go back to making concepts of God or looking for God to do something to the nothingness and nonpower of this world of effect. Always that smile will come to your lips, and the word I will come, and you will be at peace, you will be at rest. Then, in quietness and confidence, you can be a beholder of God in action. You do not impel It; you do not empower It; you do not send It forth: in quietness and confidence, you become a beholder watching It at work."

From: The Mystical I , Chapter VII,... Joel Goldsmith

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