
The Final Truth...

As Nisargadatta points out, the Final Truth is that We are beyond Consciousness..but, to Realize this Greatest of All Truths, We must first learn that We are Consciousness.. Spiritual Knowledge is just like any other school.. you must first learn to read before you can read.. Beyond Consciousness is Pure Awareness.. Pure Awareness is not Aware of ItSelf.. To be Aware of ItSelf would be a Duality itself.. This Knowledge will be very difficult for most souls to understand and must be put to Meditation and Contemplation for Realization to take place.. Most souls that Realize that they are not separate and are indeed United with All in Divine Consciousness will spend most of Eternity within the Unconditional Love and Light that we call God.. But, those that thirst for Complete Knowledge will leave this High State of Reality and achieve Complete Freedom within Divine Awareness.. But, let us take one step at a time and first Realize that We are indeed Divine Consciousness..........namaste, thomas

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