

All humans speak of Love and desire Love and constantly seek Love, but, they do not understand what Love is.. They Know that it brings happiness and joy but they believe that it is just an emotion and leave it at that....This search for Love is really a search for God.. God is Love.. Once again, I ask;" What is Love?".. Love is the absence of ego.. It is that simple.. To Realize that You are already Love is to be without ego..To Realize that You and God are One is to be without ego.. The path of non-ego is the basis of most religions but is rarely taught these days.. But, the question is asked;" how can we survive without ego?"..You survive as Your Real Self called Love.. This is the Teaching and Life of Jesus.. Did not Jesus and Gautama exist without ego?.. This Life without ego is not only possible, but necessary, if We are to achieve Freedom..........namaste, thomas

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