
Alan Watts...

Alan Wilson Watts was born on the 6th of January, 1915 and died on the 16th of November, 1973. Alan Watts was born in Kent, England.

Published books by Alan Watts include "In My Own Way", "The Spirit of Zen" , "The Meaning of Happiness" and "The Two Hands of God."

To know that you are God is another way of saying that you feel completely one with this universe.
Alan Watts Quote - God - Knowledge - Universe Quotes

I submit that in our present knowledge of the human mind such power in the hands of psychiatrists is amazingly dangerous.
Alan Watts Quote - Knowledge - Human - Mind - Power - Dangerous Quotes

I would suggest that today, we know about as much concerning the human mind as we knew about the galaxy in 1300.
Alan Watts Quote - Suggestive - Concerning - Human - Mind Quotes
But in this theory God is not "an-other" person, there are no "victims" of God. He is never anything but His own victim.
Alan Watts Quote - God - Theory - Victim Quotes
You are resonsible, and if you want to stay in the state of illusion, stay in it, but you can always wake up.
Alan Watts Quote - Responsible - Choosing - illusion Quotes
You don't need to try to be God, you are! But if you try to be God it means you don't know you are.
Alan Watts Quote - God - Reality - illusion Quotes
And that's why, really, things like Astrology, although interesting, are rather ridiculous. Because if you know the future there's no surprise for you.......... from

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We control our own destiny and that is what I believe. Just like mastering the human mind power, we can make things happen for us. This does not mean I do not believe in God. I still do but we can be happy if we just choose to.