
What is Love...

We often think and speak of Love, but, many souls do not completely understand what Love is.. they feel this Energy with their family and friends and still do not fully understand It.. whenever I see the word spelled or hear the word Love, I immediately think of the state of being without thoughts of personal self or ego.. this makes understanding more apparent.. So that when we speak of Loving God, we can understand what this really means , to be without ego and being in the mental state of the Unity that only Nothingness can enter.. We can feel the pleasure that Unselfish Love gives us and only want more.. This is why most humans seek Love through the material world but still do not understand the deeper pleasure of Unselfish Love that is called God.. Unconditional or Unselfish Love is our Real State of Existence and is only veiled by the false belief in separate ego.. and yet, we still cling to the false pleasure that the ego affords us, in the mistaken belief that it is more powerful and completeing than Reality.. This is why Awakening is necessary.. to separate Truth from fiction..............namaste, thomas

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