
Do Not Doubt !...

The Greatest Teaching of Jesus was that God Is Love and the only way to Know God is to enter into this Mental Spiritual Experience.. The next Greatest Teaching was to tell you "Do Not Doubt".. Do not doubt that you will be healed, Do not doubt that Love is the only Reality, Do not doubt that you will enter the Light and Love that we call God.. The word that we use for non-doubt is called Belief.. This is not the belief that you have been taught in religious classes, This is the most powerful Belief, that your Thoughts will manifest.. This is why all Mystics teach you to watch the thoughts of your mind and correct those thoughts that are negative and of the ego.. You create your world and future with your thoughts, watch them closely, they are you and are used to Create You.. Do not doubt that You and the Father are One.. Any doubt will keep the false ego alive and keep you in the prisons of the material planes.. You control your future and do not doubt this...........namaste, thomas

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