
Co-Dependent Negativity by Guy Finlay...

We are in unconscious codependent relationships with others whenever we find ourselves:

1. Meddling in the lives of others or allowing others to tinker with our troubles.
2. Gossiping about anything, but especially taking part in denigrating others we know and otherwise associate with.
3. Standing around and spreading any form of "gloom and doom" either in a casual conversation or in the confines of our own thoughts.
4. Agreeing with the hatred of anyone else for any other person, group, or condition.
5. Taking part in any form of a dark inner dialogue with ourselves about some imagined enemy or otherwise unwanted circumstance.
6. Allowing others to make their problems our own so that we have to carry the weight of their discontentment.
7. Entertaining any thoughts from any source -- be they from within ourselves or coming from those outside of us -- telling us that our life is without meaning.

What should be clear now is that we have to do a special kind of inner work if we wish to catch and cancel self-harming codependent behavior. It's not enough to just talk about achieving a good, contented life. Anyone can talk about that, and most do. Few will really do the interior work it takes to be free, which is why we must be different.
We must learn what it means to put the Truth of ourselves before all things. When we will strive to do this one thing, then little by little we will attract to ourselves a higher strength that has no problem saying NO to what has never cared for us. This new NO then becomes a YES to self-wholeness, the secret source of the happiness we have been seeking in all the wrong places

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