
The Story of the Ego Creation...

The ego has embedded itself in the consciousness of humanity from the beginning of human time. Here is a story about the birth of ego.

It was long ago, the sun had only made one cycle around the Source Star. At that time the one Over Soul was playing with physicality, dreaming pieces of itself into human bodies. It first extended itself and dreamed a human being into the earth-life-system. It started with one human and then dreamed another. This was fun, moving from oneness into individuality. Individual bodies and the experience of individuality were new experiences for the Over Soul.

When one human being would meet another on earth they knew they were the same, just extensions of the same Soul. They greeted one another as themselves. "Hello, me," one would say to the other.

"Hello me," would be the reply.

As the Over Soul was playing with its extensions into physicality an idea was created, "This is so much fun. What new experiences I am having. What if each extension of me pretended not to be me? That would be even more fun!"

Now when each human being greeted one another they pretended they were not from the same source as the other. They greeted one another with, "Hi you who are not me." As this repeated and more human beings were born, pretending to not be from the same source. Soon another entity began to take form. This entity was the ego. It lived on pretension. As the ego grew stronger soon the human beings forgot that they were pretending. Due to the ego, the gift of Individuality turned into the curse of Toltec

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