

From Joel S. Goldsmith
(The Infinite Way - Chapter "Putting on Immortality)
Immortality is attained in proportion as personal sense is overcome, whether here or hereafter. As we put off the personal ego and attain the consciousness of our real Self--the Reality of us, divine Consciousness--we attain immortality. And that can be achieved here and now.
The desire to perpetuate our false sense of body and wealth ensnares us into death, or mortality.
The first step in the attainment of immortality is living out from the center of our being, as in the idea of unfoldment from within, rather than accretion: It is the giving sense rather than getting; being rather than attaining. In this consciousness, there is no condemnation, judgment, hatred, or fear, but rather a continuous feeling of love and forgiveness.
It is not a simple matter to show forth the joy and peace of immortality, because to those intent on preserving their present concepts of being, immortality would appear to be extinction. This is not the case: It is the eternal preservation of all that is real, fine, noble, harmonious, gracious, unselfish, and peaceful. It is reality brought to light in place of the illusion of sense. It is the conscious awareness of the infinity of individual being replacing the finite sense of existence.
Selfishness and conceit fall away in the realization of the divinity of our being.
This realization brings forth patience and forbearance with those still struggling in mortal, material consciousness. It is being in the world but not of it.

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