
The Great Mystery...

The appearance of the ego is not being denied.

What is being denied, however, is its reality.

Likewise, the thoughts and feelings that show
up for you are very real.

What's not real, however, is a separate 'you' who
is actually the ultimate, creative Source of these
thoughts and feelings.

Here's the Great Mystery:

Yes, there are thoughts - but there's no Thinker.
Yes, there are feelings - but there's no Feeler.
Yes, there are words - but there's no Speaker.
Yes, there are actions - but there's no Do-er.

The appearance of the ego is not being denied.

What is being denied, however, is its reality.

Likewise, the thoughts and feelings that show
up for you are very real.

What's not real, however, is a separate 'you' who
is actually the ultimate, creative Source of these
thoughts and feelings.

Here's the Great Mystery:

Yes, there are thoughts - but there's no Thinker.
Yes, there are feelings - but there's no Feeler.
Yes, there are words - but there's no Speaker.
Yes, there are actions - but there's no Do-er.

- Chuck Hillig, Seeds for the Soul, Black Dot Publications, 2003, posted to AlongTheWay, Black Dot Publications, 2003, posted to AlongTheWay

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