Three principle "ranges", levels or planes may be identified as the Light Plane, the Etheric Plane and the dense Physical Plane.
The first "range" of expansion outwards from (yet still closest to) the Godhead lowers the vibratory frequency of Prime Thought to the vibratory frequency of Pure Light. At this high spiritual level it is expressed as a golden-white luminance radiating from the Center of Thought, manifesting as a vibratory positive-negative electromagnetic light-force.
This powerful radiation of Pure Light is the creative and cohesive power which binds together the very substance of Creation. It is the positive-negative electro-magnetic energy which permeates and maintains the most basic forms of matter, without which "matter" would disintegrate. This force or energy holds together the electrons and protons oscillating around a nucleus to create an atom, the atoms which group to form larger molecules, and the aggregations of molecules which themselves make up the various forms of solid matter.
The same basic pattern is repeated on an ever-expanding scale throughout Creation. It is this magnetic Light Force which holds planets in orbit around their central nucleus, the sun, to form a solar system. Numerous solar systems are held in orbit around their own central sun to form a galaxy; thousands of galaxies orbit a yet greater central sun to form a universe, and ultimately the twelve universes orbit around the Central Sun of our Cosmos, the Light/Thought Being who is our prime Creator.
Once the base material of matter had been brought into being, the Creator birthed elements of His own Light-cells as evolving Light Beings, particles of His own Spirit. Thus "launched" into the as-yet-formless fund of matter, the Light Beings began, with the Creator's guidance, to co-create liquid and solid forms, and the simple living organisms of plants and insects.
The Light Beings were birthed in groups, or "waves". The first wave of Light Beings co-created on the high spiritual Light Plane nearest to the Godhead. Known as the Elohim, these early pioneers of creation developed descending hierarchies of Beings who would in turn delegate the creation of over twelve universes, each containing millions of galaxies and even more solar systems with inhabited planets.
The Creator also birthed a hierarchy of angels and archangels as a separate stream of creation, to manage, nurture and assist in the co-creation of all forms of created matter in the various Universes. They serve as dedicated and unswerving Servants of Creation, not having been given the latitude of free choice to explore paths outside of the Creator's Evolutionary Plan with which future souls would be endowed.
Under the angels' continuing command and direction on lower levels of creation, are the Devic and Elemental Kingdoms whose duty is to assist the growth and maintenance of the Mineral and Plant Kingdoms, as well as our own physical bodies. These are the Nature Spirits, Elementals and Fairies visible to those humans with psychic sight.
The process of co-creation through the combining of Thought with Materiality was "handed down" by the Creator to his own created Beings. Through the further expansion of their own Thought into greater self-contemplation, complexity and detail, the "elder", or first-born Beings of Light brought into existence a series of descending planes of lowered vibrational frequency and correspondingly higher density.
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