When Aryans came to India they brought with them an already degenerated form of religion, in which people had to participate in “saving” rituals, “feed” “gods” with sacrifices (rice, water, and other kinds of food, that they were supposed to send to the “gods” via the medium of ordinary physical fire). And there, in Heaven, the “gods” quarreled with one another, had children… (all this is written in the ancient Vedas; the same kind of incompetence one can see in the Arjuna’s words in the beginning of his conversation with Krishna on the field of Kuru ,Although, later on, Indian sages created a quite harmonious philosophical system, that was called Vedanta ,But yet it lacked some fundamental information — namely, knowledge about the Creator.
The most significant event in the Indian history was the coming of Lord Krishna in the human body. Krishna gave people the Bhagavad Gita , that contained the complete knowledge as to how and where they should seek the Creator, what God is, and what the purpose of human life consists in. And a great number of people, undoubtedly, attained full spiritual Self-Realization thanks to this Divine Teaching.
But even people of this country proved unable to retain the supreme Truth in their minds for a long time.
Then the Creator sent Chaitanya to the land of India. Chaytanya revitalized the Eternal Teaching of the Creator and again many people reached the Highest Goal, while others got closer to It…
But with time people of India were repeatedly slipping into primitivism: they would start to set hopes not on the Creator, but on fictitious fairy-tale “gods”, or even abandon religion altogether in preference to the accumulation of earthly wealth or enslaving other people. The latter existed, in particular, in the form of the system of heritable belonging to certain varnas and in the tradition of burning widows alive.
After some time Mahavir — the founder of Jainism — came to India ,But even Jainism, that started out so well, also degenerated to the “adhering to the rules”, and gradually Jainist monks grew concerned not with the cognition of the Creator, but rather with preventing the bodily excreta from getting into water (they do not have the right to use toilets in the urban apartments: there is water there!) and with making sure that women and men do not stay in the same house during the night (even on different floors of many-storied urban buildings!)…Many other Great Enlightened were coming to teach in India. But the result always remained the same: evolutionary immature souls were unable to comprehend the Highest and since they have always constituted the majority of the society, religion would degenerate again.
… And then God brought Muslims on the territory of India, who affirmed it for Hindus again that they should seek the true Universal God, Who is One for all, and that all people are equal before the Creator — regardless of their ancestry or possession of earthly wealth.
But since the concept of Love and Compassion was not and could not be sufficiently represented in Islam, which was originated by God among cattle-breeders, Muslims were not meant to suppress Hinduism with all the good elements that it did have..............by Vladimir Antonov
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