
Angels and Demons.....

There are dwellers in the dark (asuras–without light) and devas (shining ones, light-filled ones). A great many human beings fall into these categories–the rest are “grays” mentally wandering in the misty flats the poet referred to.
When the “asuras” and “devas” leave the body they usually go to astral worlds that reflect their consciousness until they are reborn. As you can imagine, the worlds of the asuras are “hells” and the worlds of the devas are “heavens.”
But some asuras have such unfortunate karma that they cannot make the transition from earth to the astral, but remain earthbound. They wander around, often influencing (obsessing) those still in the body and even sometimes invading their bodies and minds in possession. They do great harm in this way.
Some devas return from the heavenly realms in their astral bodies and do just the opposite: they bless and uplift human beings as much as they can, even bringing them mental and physical healing. They especially work to awaken and expand spiritual consciousness. We call them “angels” and “saints.”
Q: What about Satan–the Devil?
A: There is no malevolent, evil counterpart to God, some kind of inverted Deity. There are, as already explained, earthbound spirits that work evil. Some are very powerful, but still not “The Devil.”
However–a big however–there is a force of cosmic evil, a great field of negative energy that is produced by negative thought and action, the result of ages of evil intent on the part of intelligent (?) beings. It is a reservoir of negativity. Since all things are inherently conscious to some degree, this dark field has a kind of lumbering, robotic sentience that does become attracted to negative emanations from sentient beings–responds to and influences and affects them. It does, in a magnetic sense, impel and even dominate them. It is very real, and has a definite effect on humanity. Since it is not “natural” it is expended, like the power in a battery, but continual evil on the part of sentient beings keeps feeding and recharging it. Widespread wars and mass suffering (as in concentrations camps and oppressed countries) vastly increase its strength.
Q: Can demons and Satan harm me?
A: Not unless you are attuned to negativity by your thoughts, words, and deeds. If you stay tuned to God through spiritual life–which includes spiritual practice–Satan and demons can not come near much less harm you. Also, your positive vibrations will lessen their power. So you protect and benefit the cosmos as well as yourself by your spiritual cultivation.

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