
Unconditional Love...

Unconditional love is not based on what the other person does or does not do. It is not based on whether someone lives up to some image you have in your mind. It is not based on whether you get a return on your investment in a relationship. Those are conditions.

Love is who we are. It is what life is. You cannot give love. To love someone is not to give them anything but to recognize the love that is already there. To pretend that you have something that others need, including love, is arrogant. This pretense fuels separation. It is spiritual violence.

To seek, expect, or demand love is not love at all. It is egoic neediness. Love wants nothing because it lacks nothing. Love does not seek love. It places no conditions on life and others. It simply recognizes itself everywhere, in everyone. It does not buy into the illusion of separation.

Unconditional love is not something that thought could ever show you. To realize it, find out what is prior to that thought-based story of “me” in the mind. What is reading these words — not the thoughts that arise to agree or disagree with what is being said—but rather the simple presence itself? What is resonating beyond these ideas? That presence is love. Realize that what you truly are, beyond all mental conditions, is unconditional love.

~ From: Reflections of the One Life, by Scott Kiloby

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