
The Nature of Divinity....

What is meant by the term “God”? The Ageless Wisdom affirms the existence of one transcendent, self-existent life, eternal, all-pervading, all-sustaining, from which, by which and in which all things which exist live and move and have their being. This life is immanent in our solar system and world as the Logos, the “Word,” worshipped under different names in different religions but recognized as the one creator, preserver and regenerator. The solar system is directed and guided by the solar Logos through a hierarchy of highly evolved beings, the “mighty Spirits before the throne.” On Earth this direction and guidance are carried out by a corresponding and related hierarchy of perfected beings, referred to as Rishis, sages, Adepts, saints. The divine, absolute principle reveals itself in a universal process of perpetual unfoldment of potentialities. Although this is fulfilled according to eternal law, it is not mechanical, being directed and aided by the solar Logos through its ministers. God is thus presented as both transcendent and immanent, as the creator, sustainer and transformer of all worlds and the spiritual Source of all beings within the solar system.
These definitions of Deity do not harmonize with the idea of God generally accepted in Christianity. In the Ageless Wisdom, God is not presented as an anthropomorphic figure, an almighty Being in human form and with human tendencies combined with divine powers. God is not regarded as susceptible of propitiation but rather as an embodiment of eternal law. God does not bestow favors on some and withhold them from others, all human children being regarded equally. God is not distant in a far off heaven, but actually present in the divine life in nature and the Divine + Presence in everyone, the “God which worketh in you” (Phil. 2:13).

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