
Modification of Karma...

The principle needs to be advanced here of the modification of karma by intervening actions performed before causes have had time to produce their full effects. Whatever one’s actions in the past—good or bad in varying degrees—the reactions which they produce are not to be regarded as an inescapable fate or as a dead weight from which there is no relief. Both individuals and nations by their subsequent actions are constantly modifying the operation of the law upon themselves. Thus, neither individuals nor nations are paralyzed by their past actions. Everything is not irretrievably fated. One can master circumstances and make of each experience an opportunity for a fresh beginning and can pass from the grip of the law by learning to work with it.
Civil law is an enemy to the criminal because it restrains and restricts the expression of criminal tendencies. To the good citizen, however, the same law is an assurance of security; it is not an enemy but a friend, not a source of restriction but a preserver of freedom. This is also true of the universal law of cause and effect. To selfish, lawless and cruel people, it brings nemesis—retribution in the form of a reaction appropriate to every pain-producing action. To unselfish, law-abiding, kindly people, the law brings health, happiness and freedom. Furthermore, every such helpful action performed before the effects of selfish action have had time to be precipitated reduces, and may even neutralize, oncoming adversities. Such, briefly, is the principle of the modification of human karma. There is thus a spiritual alchemy by means of which adversity resulting from actions motivated by selfishness can be diminished or even nullified. This is achieved by self-purification, self-discipline, and the enactment of deeds motivated by universal, nonpossessive love.

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