
' Realizing True Self '...

2. “Realize that you are the essence of divinity, limitless and eternal.” .......................................................... 3. “The ultimate goal of life is to realize your true self and attain liberation from the cycle of birth and death.” ............................................................ 4. “The world is an illusion; only the Self is real.” ......................................................... 5. “You are not separate from the universe; you are interconnected with all beings and things.” ......................................................... 6. “Let go of attachments and desires; they bind you to suffering.” ......................................................... 7. “True happiness is found within, not in external possessions or achievements.” ......................................................... 8. “Meditate on the Self and experience the profound peace that surpasses all understanding.” .......................................................... 9. “Identify yourself with the unchanging consciousness, not with the ever-changing body and mind.” ............................. Vedanta

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