
' Sikhism '...

Do not be afraid to walk the path of truth, for it is a path that leads to freedom. ............................ The essence of Sikhi lies in the selfless service of humanity. .............................. In every action, seek to cultivate compassion and humility. ............................. Remember, the true Guru resides within you. .................................. Let go of ego and embrace the divine within. .............................. Find solace in the eternal wisdom of the Guru Granth Sahib. .............................. The path of Sikhi is rooted in love and equality. ................................. Through meditation, we connect with the divine essence within. ................................ Let love be the guiding force in all your interactions. ................................ The purpose of life is to merge with the divine. ................................. Embrace the teachings of the Guru and walk the path of righteousness. ............................... Dwell in the eternal light of Waheguru. ............................. Every day is an opportunity for spiritual growth and self-improvement.

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