

Begin by finding a quiet space, free from distractions. Seat yourself comfortably. Observe Your Beingness: Feel your existence. Not the thoughts, emotions, or physical sensations, but the basic awareness that's aware of them. This is the 'I' sense, the feeling of 'I am.' Dive Deeper: Look beyond the changes of body and mind. Can you sense something within you that remains unchanged, irrespective of the shifting tides of life? That's your true self, always present. Disentangle from Attributes: Try not to get caught in the stories or personal data your mind presents. Instead, focus on the pure feeling of existence, the underlying 'I am.' Let Go: As you delve into this practice, release any beliefs, thoughts, or aspirations. They can be barriers, keeping you from diving deep. Detachment: Gradually let go of personal details, attributes, and identifiers. Observation: Feel the aliveness within, that unchanging essence amidst life's changes. Stay Present: Remain rooted in this sense of presence. There’s no need to chase experiences or insights. 'Just be'. Transcend the Mind: Understand this isn’t about intellectual understanding. You're looking to move beyond the mind's chatter, to experience the self directly. Rest in Silence: Let silence be your guide. Sometimes, the deepest understandings come when the mind is quiet. Consistency: Practice this regularly, allowing the depth of your focus to grow. Remember, this isn't about achieving anything. It's about realizing what has always been there. "You are not your mind. The purpose of self inquiry is to dive beneath its layers and realize the self. To know the self, one must be the self." ..................................... Ramana Maharshi.

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