
' Twin Brothers '...

Sleep and Death, who are twin brothers. ...........Homer

' Forces in Nature '...

There are forces in nature called Love and Hate. The force of Love causes elements to be attracted to each other and to be built up into some particular form or person, and the force of Hate causes the decomposition of things. ...............................Empedocles

' Source '...

The source from which existing things derive their existence is also that to which they return at their destruction. ........................Anaximander

' Matter '...

Matter, though divisible in an extreme degree, is nevertheless not infinitely divisible. That is, there must be some point beyond which we cannot go in the division of matter. ... I have chosen the word “atom” to signify these ultimate particles. ........................John Dalton

' Space-Time '...

In space-time everything which for each of us constitutes the past, the present and the future is given en bloc...Each observer, as his time passes, discovers, so to speak, new slices of space-time which appear to him as successive aspects of the material world, though in reality the ensemble of events constituting space-time exist prior to his knowledge of them. ......................Louis de Broglie

Enya - It's In The Rain (Video)

' Power over Others '...

The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule. .......................H. L. Mencken

' Writers '...

Listen closely. There’s a remote possibility that you might learn something: First, I don’t give a damn if my work is commercial or not…I’m the writer. If what I write is good, then people will read it. That’s why literature exists. An author puts his heart and guts on the page. For your information, a good novel can change the world. Keep that in mind before you attempt to sit down at a typewriter. Never waste time on something you don’t believe in yourself. ............................John Fante

' Money '...

Money may be the husk of many things but not the kernel. It brings you food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health; acquaintance, but not friends; servants, but not loyalty; days of joy, but not peace or happiness. ......................Henrik Ibsen

' Educated Fools '...

I assure you, an educated fool is more foolish than an uneducated one. ......................Moliere

' Wisdom '...

Have more than you show, Speak less than you know. ............................William Shakespeare

' Choices '...

People who do not see their choices do not believe they have choices. They tend to respond automatically, blindly influenced by their circumstances and conditioning. Mindfulness, by helping us notice our impulses before we act, gives us the opportunity to decide whether to act and how to act. .......................Gil Fronsdal

' Excessive Thinking '...

The best way to deal with excessive thinking is to just listen to it, to listen to the mind. Listening is much more effective than trying to stop thought or cut it off. ......................Ajahn Amaro

' Silence '...

When silence reaches an ultimate point, the light penetrates everywhere. ...................Hsuan Hua

' Understanding '...

When you don't understand, you depend on reality. When you do understand, reality depends on you. ....................Bodhidharma

' Our Mind '...

Our life is a creation of our mind. ..............Gautama the Buddha

' Unspeakable Truth '...

Apparently, 'conspiracy stuff' is now shorthand for unspeakable truth. ...............Gore Vidal

' The Will to Live '...

Love is the ultimate expression of the will to live. .................Tom Wolfe

' Identify and Believe '...

No thought has any power. You have power. And when you identify and believe in the thought you give power to the thought. ..............................Mooji

' Unconscious '...

While experiencing life as humans you are unconscious. ...............Through John Smallman Life as a human in form presents you with many lessons that you planned for yourselves prior to incarnating, and which sometimes shock you when they are presented to you, as they normally arrive unexpectedly; or you may not even notice them, in which case they will definitely be presented again. This is NOT a failure on your part! Life as a human is confusing and demanding, and just day to living is frequently extremely difficult for many people purely because of the paths they planned for themselves before incarnating. When you are planing your next life paths, prior to incarnating, what you wish to learn and place on your paths is very clear to you. However, it is almost impossible for you to really conceive of the difficulties that you will encounter once you are actually incarnate, and have forgotten that you yourselves actually planned the experiences that you are encountering.In fact many would be hard pressed to believe that they themselves had actually selected the family that they were to be part of in advance of their births. As I said, being human is not easy. Nevertheless, everyone incarnate is in human form by their own free-will choice, no one is in human form by accident or by mistake – there are no accidents or mistakes – because there is only intent which is always achieved. Again, when you are living as a human, it is often extremely difficult to believe, let alone understand, that you have a divine purpose, and yet every single human without any exceptions is on a masterfully pre-planned divine mission. You are all the beloved children of Mother/Father/God, and She created you from Herself so that you would live in love and joy for both Her and your eternal delight. But Love – the life energy of all sentient beings, of all that is conscious – is unconditional and you therefore have free will to use that energy in any manner that you choose. Some chose separation – even though separation from Source can never occur – and consequently find themselves living apparently separated lives in form. The purpose of your lives in form is to find your way out of the illusory state of separation that you constructed, and return home, rather like the prodigal son in the gospel story, to Reality and remain there. However, once you enter into a human life experience all memory of Reality is lost, and so you have to learn through infancy and childhood how to operate a human form, and then live as though the body you inhabit is actually You. Doing so becomes extremely seductive. Before you incarnated you knew that this would happen, and so you set yourselves notifications along your timelines to assist you. First an idea would emerge suggesting that life has a purpose apart from just growing into adulthood and enjoying the freedom that that would permit, and then, later in life, an interest would present itself suggesting that an investigation of that initial idea might well be worthwhile. Many miss or discard the first nudge, so it is often presented numerous times and more energetically later in life, and many people still miss it! NOW, in this present day and age, those nudges have become extremely powerful, in fact it is practically impossible for people not to become aware of them. As a result, all around you people are becoming aware of the possibility that their lives do have a divine purpose, and are very seriously seeking guidance from others who appear to them to have found what it is. There are many teachers and mentors who are offering classes and webinars, that are well attended, to help people find themselves as they come to realize that they are much more than their egos would like them to know or believe – especially more than other people! Those of you reading this are well established on your divine life paths and know it, so please accept that you are beings of inestimable value, and that even if your purpose does not appear to involve any public activities, your presence just being is an essential aspect of the collective awakening process. Just by setting the intent at least once daily to be only loving whatever arises, you add enormously to the energy of the Tsunami of Love enveloping Planet Earth and drawing all to their inevitable awakening. Many of you seriously underrate the importance of your presence on Earth, having grown into adulthood feeling inadequate and unworthy for numerous totally invalid reasons. Therefore I will remind you now: You are all powerful beings of Love, and you chose to be incarnate now to massively assist in this most wondrous event, even though you do not remember doing so. Accordingly, make a point every day, during your visits to your holy inner sanctuaries, to also set the intent to release any and all ingrained beliefs you may be clinging to that tell you that you are not good enough, holy enough, competent enough, useful enough, or loving enough. They are all invalid. You are all divine beings, created most lovingly by our divine Source, and therefore you are perfect! Yes, as humans you have made errors and mistakes, hurt others and yourselves by talking or acting unconsciously. You could not have done any of this if you were conscious, because Love is always conscious, always loving and accepting of all others. However, while experiencing life as humans you are unconscious, asleep, dreaming, and that is why you need to awaken. Your collective awakening is ongoing very rapidly indeed now, because more and more people are hourly coming into awareness that the present angry, competitive, winner-take-all lifestyle that so many have been engaging with for eons needs to cease or you may well destroy yourselves. The signs of the damage this has caused can be seen in many places, and ignorance can no longer be used as an excuse for what continues to occur. What needs to happen is for people to stop judging and condemning one another, and instead to come together in loving and harmonious cooperation by fully accepting that all, without exception, are divine beings of Love. Deep within yourselves you all know this, it is who you are, it has just been denied. Now Love is flooding the planet and can no longer be denied. Therefore, engage positively and continuously with Love, with your true nature, and watch with wonder the unfoldment of the collective energy field of Love all across the world. ...................Your loving brother, Jesus.

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' Only a Few Know '...

Only a few know, how much one must know to know how little one knows. ........................Werner Heisenberg

' Opinion '...

Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion. .........................Democritus

' The Secret of Happiness '...

The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less. ........................Socrates

' Oppressors '...

Oppressors can tyrannize only when they achieve a standing army, an enslaved press, and a disarmed populace. ....................James Madison

' How Strange '...

How strange! You lose a little from you and you cry. And your whole life is wasting and you're laughing .....................Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

' Freedom '...

Men believe themselves to be free, simply because they are conscious of their actions, and unconscious of the causes whereby those actions are determined. .....................Baruch Spinoza

' Intrinsically Evil '...

But a lie is a lie, and in itself intrinsically evil, whether it be told with good or bad intents. ...........................Immanuel Kant

' Knaves or Fools '...

Hanifs (Muslims) are stumbling, Christians all astray Jews wildered, Magians far on error’s way. We mortals are composed of two great schools Enlightened knaves or else religious fools. ........................Al-MaÊ¿arri

' Two Men '...

Every man is two men; one is awake in the darkness, the other asleep in the light. ...............................Khalil Gibran

Alan Watts - Acceptance of Death

' Reality '...

How one encounters reality is a choice. ....................Martin Heidegger

' Live Simply '...

Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, leave the rest to God. .........................Ronald Reagan

' Brains and Learning '...

Bear in mind that brains and learning, like muscle and physical skill, are articles of commerce. They are bought and sold. You can hire them by the year or by the hour. The only thing in the world not for sale is character. ................Antonin Scalia

' Bootstraps '...

None of us got where we are solely by pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps. We got here because somebody - a parent, a teacher, an Ivy League crony or a few nuns - bent down and helped us pick up our boots. .............................Thurgood Marshall

' A Wise Man '...

A wise man hears one word and understands two. ..................Edgar Allan Poe

' Education '...

Don't educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be happy, so they know the value of things, not the price. .........................Victor Hugo

' Seize the Moments '...

Seize the moments of happiness, love and be loved! That is the only reality in the world, all else is folly. ..........................Leo Tolstoy

' Fearless '...

Being fearless means busting down those walls of fear and being who you are, not who someone else thinks you are. People like to put others in a box and tell them what they can and cannot do or who they can and cannot be. No one can tell you who you are and what you are made of, only you yourself know what you are made of, and only you yourself can do the work to become who you want to be. .................... Mariska Hargitay

' Worship, is the Flower of Love '...

O God! if I worship Thee in fear of Hell, burn me in Hell; and if I worship Thee in hope of Paradise, exclude me from Paradise; but if I worship Thee for Thine own sake, withhold not thine everlasting beauty. ...................................Rabia Basri

' Returning to Source '...

All people go to Allah after their death, but the happy person is the one who goes to Allah while still alive. ...................Sayyid Qutb

' Solitude '...

Don’t depend too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness. ...........................Ibn Taymiyyah

' Style and Principle '...

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. .................... Thomas Jefferson

' Forgiveness '...

Forgiveness, quite frankly, is the most selfish thing you can do. Because it is the greatest thing you can do for yourself. .................Caroline Myss

' Choices '...

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make. Period. .........................Wayne Dyer

' The Game of Life '...

The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy. .......................Florence Scovel Shinn

' Love cannot be Destroyed '...

Love is within us. It cannot be destroyed. It can be ignored. To the extent that we abandon love we will feel it has abandoned us. Denying love is our only problem, and embracing it is the only answer. Through the power of love, we can let go of past history and begin again. Love heals, forgives, and makes whole. ..............................Ernest Holmes

' Responsibility '...

The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it. ..........................Albert Einstein

' Fortunately '...

Fortunately, some are born with spiritual immune systems that sooner or later give rejection to the illusory worldview grafted upon then from birth through social conditioning. They begin sensing that something is amiss, and start looking for answers. Inner knowledge and anomalous outer experiences show them a side of reality others are oblivious to, and so begins the journey of awakening. Each step of the journey is made by following the heart instead of the crowd, and by choosing knowledge over veils of ignorance. ...........................Henri Bergson

' Happiness '...

It is difficult to find happiness within oneself, but it is impossible to find it anywhere else. .............................Arthur Schopenhauer

' Beauty '...

Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself. .......................Coco Chanel

' Mindfulness '...

Mindfulness gives you time. Time gives you choices. Choices, skillfully made, lead to freedom. You don't have to be swept away by your feeling. You can respond with wisdom and kindness rather than habit and reactivity. .....................Henepola Gunaratana


' The Goals of Life '...

Having a good home, eating good food, wearing good clothes, are a means to living well; they are not the goals of our life. The quality of your life is decided by how peaceful and joyful you are. ...................................Jaggi Vasudev

' What Remains ?'...

Thoughts come and go. Feelings come and go. Find out what it is that remains. .............................Ramana Maharshi

' Belief in Self '...

One who believes in himself has no need to convince others. ..............................Laozi

' It Is your Choice '...

Once you have started seeing the beauty of life, ugliness starts disappearing. If you start looking at life with joy, sadness starts disappearing. You cannot have heaven and hell together, you can have only one. It is your choice. ......................Rajneesh

' Sufism '...

Sufism is the name of the religion that Sufis practice. Sufism is a mystical variation of Islam. By practicing Sufism, Sufis seek to have a close, personal experience of God. Sufism is less a sect or split from Islam, and more of an aspect of the Islamic religion — Sufis also consider themselves to be Muslim, and like any devout Muslim, they pray five times a day and follow the teachings of Muhammad. Sufism simply includes more mysticism and rituals, like the spinning dance done by "whirling dervishes." In Arabic, Sufi means "man of wool."

' Taoism '...

Taoism (also known as Daoism) is a Chinese philosophy attributed to Lao Tzu (c. 500 BCE) which developed from the folk religion of the people primarily in the rural areas of China and became the official religion of the country under the Tang Dynasty. Taoism is therefore both a philosophy and a religion. It emphasizes doing what is natural and "going with the flow" in accordance with the Tao (or Dao), a cosmic force which flows through all things and binds and releases them. The philosophy grew from an observance of the natural world, and the religion developed out of a belief in cosmic balance maintained and regulated by the Tao. The original belief may or may not have included practices such as ancestor and spirit worship but both of these principles are observed by many Taoists today and have been for centuries. Taoism exerted a great influence during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE) and the emperor Xuanzong (reigned 712-756 CE) decreed it a state religion, mandating that people keep Taoist writings in their home. It fell out of favor as the Tang Dynasty declined and was replaced by Confucianism and Buddhism but the religion is still practiced throughout China and other countries today.............. World History Encyclopedia

' The Four Noble Truths '...

:Alternate titles: Chattari-ariya-saccani, Chatvari-arya-satyani By Donald S. Lopez Last Updated: Jan 13, 2023 Buddhism Eightfold Path ........................ Four Noble Truths, Pali Chattari-ariya-saccani, Sanskrit Chatvari-arya-satyani, one of the fundamental doctrines of Buddhism, said to have been set forth by the Buddha, the founder of the religion, in his first sermon, which he gave after his enlightenment. Although the term Four Noble Truths is well known in English, it is a misleading translation of the Pali term Chattari-ariya-saccani (Sanskrit: Chatvari-arya-satyani), because noble (Pali: ariya; Sanskrit: arya) refers not to the truths themselves but to those who understand them. A more accurate rendering, therefore, might be “four truths for the [spiritually] noble”; they are four facts that are known to be true by those with insight into the nature of reality but that are not known to be true by ordinary beings. The Buddha stated in his first sermon that when he gained absolute and intuitive knowledge of the four truths, he achieved complete enlightenment and freedom from future rebirth.

Little Big Town - Boondocks (Official Music Video)

' Dreams '...

The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities. ..........................James Allen

Dan Fogelberg, Cat Stevens, Don McLean, Simon & Garfunkel - Classic Folk...

' Simplicity '...

How many undervalue the power of simplicity ! But it is the real key to the heart. ...........................William Wordsworth

' Saved from Life '...

If nothing saves us from death, at least love should save us from life .........................Pablo Neruda

' Money, Power, and Fame '...

Beware of overconcern for money, or position, or glory. Someday you will meet a man who cares for none of these things. Then you will know how poor you are. ..................................Rudyard Kipling

' Expect Trouble '...

Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life and when it comes, hold your head high, look it squarely in the eye and say “I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me.” Then repeat to yourself the most comforting of all words , “This too shall pass.” .............................Ann Landers

' The Voyage of Discovery '...

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. ..........................Marcel Proust

' Two Faces '...

No man for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true. ...................................Nathaniel Hawthorne

' Significant Gifts '...

The most significant gifts are the ones most easily overlooked. Small, everyday blessings: woods, health, music, laughter, memories, books, family, friends, second chances, warm fireplaces, and all the footprints scattered throughout our days. .....................Sue Monk Kidd

' Question Everything '...

Question your thoughts. Question your stories. Question your assumptions. Question your opinions. Question your conclusions. Question them all into utter emptiness, stillness and joy. The keys to freedom are in your hands. Use them. ................................Adyashanti

' The Meaning of Life '...

The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves. .................Alan Watts

' Greatness '...

Everyone has the power for greatness, not for fame but greatness, because greatness is determined by service. ...........................Martin Luther King, Jr.

' The Happiest Man '...

He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home. ......................Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

' Failures '...

Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses. ...............................George Washington Carver

' Left Behind '...

Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought. .......................Matsuo Basho

Spanish Guitar Music: Beautiful Relaxing Spanish Guitar Music (Instrumen...

' War '...

You know — we've had to imagine the war here, and we have imagined that it was being fought by aging men like ourselves. We had forgotten that wars were fought by babies. When I saw those freshly shaved faces, it was a shock. "'My God, my God — ' I said to myself, 'It's the Children's Crusade. .................................Kurt Vonnegut

' Only Love can do That '...

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. ......................Martin Luther King, Jr.

' Poetry '...

Poetry is what makes the invisible appear. ......................Nathalie Sarraute

' The Storm '...

And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about. .................Haruki Murakami

' Anger '...

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”........................ Gautama the Buddha

' The Best Thing to Give '...

The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all others, charity. ...........................Benjamin Franklin

' Know Thyself '...

The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself. ................................Thales

' Happiness '...

Happiness is not fame or riches or heroic virtues, but a state that will inspire posterity to think in reflecting upon our life, that it was the life they would wish to live. ............................Herodotus

' What is Truth ?'...

A man's most valuable trait is a judicious sense of what not to believe. ......................Euripides

' Egoic Destruction '...

What makes ego Disappear ?... The method is actually simple.. You as higher Self watches the thoughts of Your mind.. This is called being Awake.. As thoughts of ego arise, merely look at the ego and the ego will disappear, as, it is not Real.. and All unreality will disappear as the True Self becomes Predominant...................... thomas

' Observation by Higher Consciousness '...

If you make a serious effort to observe yourself, you will realise that ordinarily, whatever you do, whatever you think, whatever you feel, you do not remember yourself. You do not realise that you are present, that you are here. ........................P. D. Ouspensky

' Cogs '...

Okay - the world needs its cogs, all of them; and even a cog may say how it gets used. In fact, only a cog may determine its eventual meaning in the system. That's what I wanted to tell you. ...................Keigo Higashino

' The Mask '...

Sometimes it's not the people who change, it's the mask that falls off. .........................Haruki Murakami

Blake Shelton - God's Country (Official Music Video)

' Nirvana '...

The traditional Buddhist belief that all happiness must in the end change into unhappiness is not a cheerful one. It need never be taken too literally as being universally true, nor by itself alone, for there are counter weighting truths. When Buddha brought to an end the meditation which culminated in final enlightenment, dawn was just breaking. The last star which vanished with the night and the first one which he saw as he raised his head was Venus. What was his inner state, then? Did it synchronize with the reputed planetary influence of Venus--joyous and happy felicity--or with the gloomy view of life which tradition later associated with Buddhism? Who that has had a glimpse of those higher states, felt their serenity, can doubt it was the first? The Overself is not subjected to suffering. But this is not to say that it is bubbling with happiness. It is rather like an immensely deep ocean, perfectly tranquil below the surface. That tranquillity is its ever-present condition and is a true joyousness which ordinary people rarely know. This is what Buddha felt. This is what he called NIRVANA. -Paul Brunton

' Wake Up '...

If we can't wake up to the fact that deep down inside we are good, then we deserve to remain asleep dreaming we are evil. ..........................Lon Milo DuQuette

' Life-power '...

It becomes evident that when the Life-power awakens its mysterious activity at the beginning of a cycle of manifestation those vibrations which we recognise as sound come into existence before the more rapid pulsations of electricity and light. Thus modern science confirms the ancient occult teaching that sound is the root of physical existence. 'It is out of Sound that every form comes, and it is in Sound that every form lives. ....................Paul Foster Case

' Mysticism '...

Mysticism, Magic and Yoga is the means, therefore, to a new universal life, richer, greater and more full of resource than ever before, as free as sunlight, as gracious as the unfolding of a rose. It is for man (and woman) to take. .....................Israel Regardie

' The Now Moment '...

By fully tuning in to the now moment in your life, you will discover that you always have enough to enjoy every moment of your life. The only reason you have not been happy every instant is that you have been dominating your consciousness with thoughts about something you don't have- or trying to hold on to something that you do have but which is no longer appropriate in the present flow of your life. ........................Ken Keyes Jr.

The Doors - The End (Toronto, 1967)

' Self-observation '...

Self-observation brings man to the realization of the necessity of self-change. And in observing himself a man notices that self-observation itself brings about certain changes in his inner processes. He begins to understand that self-observation is an instrument of self-change, a means of awakening. .........................G. I. Gurdjieff

' Our Highest Endeavor '...

Our highest endeavor must be to develop free human beings who are able of themselves to impart purpose and direction to their lives. The need for imagination, a sense of truth, and a feeling of responsibility—these three forces are the very nerve of education. ..............................Rudolf Steiner

' The Enslaved '...

None are so hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. They feed them on falsehoods till wrong looks like right in their eyes. ....................................Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

' The Stage was Gone '...

When I got enough confidence, the stage was gone. When I was sure of losing, I won. When I needed people the most, they left me. When I learnt to dry my tears, I found a shoulder to cry on. And when I mastered the art of hating, somebody started loving me. ...............................William Shakespeare

' Ideas '...

For if you are caught up in ideas, then you will be caught up in the self. And even if you are caught up in ideas about nothingness, you will still be caught up in the self. That's why we should not get attached to the belief that things either exist or do not exist. This is the hidden meaning when I say that my teachings are a raft to be abandoned when you see true being............................... Diamond Sutra

' Sin '...

Sin is an ancient hebrew archery term that means "Missing the Mark"......It has been misused for so long that we no longer know what it means... It is the Ego remaining and springing up to perform selfish activities.. It is missing the mark in becoming One with God... It is the wall that keeps us from happiness and freedom... It is false and a lie, It is ego....................... thomas

' Pain '...

Pain is a warning device placed by Universal Consciousness to tell us that something is wrong and you must correct the problem.. this refers to both body and mind... When your thoughts are centered on the Ego (Self-ishness), then the fruit of this thought will bring pain... When your thoughts are on Self-lessness (non-ego)(Love), then you will attain the State of Bliss...What you believe is real is just an illusion that is created by thought..this is the material world... Reality, is the realization that you and God are One... this state requires no creation, It is the knowledge that you really exist in a state of Pure Consciousness that is known by the feeling of Complete Love, which is Complete Un-Self- Ishness............................ thomas

' The Second Birth '...

Those who believe in the Short Path of sudden attainment, such as the sectarian following of Ramana Maharshi and the koan-puzzled intellectuals of Zen Buddhism, confuse the first flash of insight which unsettles everything so gloriously with the last flash which settles everything even more gloriously. The disciple who wants something for nothing, who hopes to get to the goal without being kept busy with arduous travels to the very end, will not get it. He has to move from one point of view to a higher, from many a struggle with weaknesses to their mastery. Then only, when he has done by himself what he should do, may he cease his efforts, be still, and await the influx of Grace. Then comes light and the second birth. ....................... Notebooks Category 23: Advanced Contemplation > Chapter 2: Pitfalls and Limitations > # 65...Paul Brunton

' The Nazarene Speaks '...

Through John Smallman Dec 31.............................. As you prepare to start a new year, do relax into that space of deep inner knowing that you all possess, and allow yourselves to know that God’s plan for humanity is unfolding precisely as She intends, knowing, as you all do, that what She intends always occurs exactly as She wills. Humanity is awakening, and there are signs of this all across the world, even as it seems from the presentations of the various media outlets that pain, suffering, and conflicts are increasing enormously. Yes, there is much conflict occurring, and that is because there are still many on Earth who are clinging very fearfully to large amounts of judgment, anger, resentment, and hatred as it becomes ever more apparent to them, quite naturally, that the authoritarian governmental organizations on whom they have been relying for personal and global safety have been failing in that task. To awaken into Love requires the release of those attitudes, and the full embracement of compassion and forgiveness, first within yourselves for yourselves as the divine gifts that they are, and then, as you set the intent, for all of humanity to become rapidly and increasingly aware of the need to do the same. Basically, an enormous change in attitudes is happening worldwide as people generally begin to fully understand the insanity of the manner in which relationships at every level of society – from personal to global – have been conducted for all of your recorded history. They are now demanding that their governmental agencies completely change the ways in which they operate, as they themselves individually release their own long-held personal attitudes and beliefs, and, finally, engage completely with the love that is their true and eternal nature. And of course it is these agencies that are always the slowest to admit mistakes and the slowest to start making the changes that are essential for peace to be established and to prevail on Earth. Nevertheless, the many violent disagreements and conflicts that are occurring, and which are being brought constantly to your attention by the media, are having a most profound effect because practically everyone has become aware of the need for change, and so the governmental agencies are realizing that if they do not change their attitudes and their rhetoric they will be dissolved. That awareness is most definitely leading very rapidly to the implementation of numerous changes of a most uplifting nature. Yes, humanity is most definitely awakening, so release your doubts and anxieties and renew your faith in Mother/Father/God by strengthening your intent to be only loving whatever arises. To do that is why you incarnated for your present human lifetimes, and everyone of you is precisely where you are meant to be to massively assist in humanity’s magnificent collective awakening process. You each do this by following your own very personal life paths with honesty and integrity as they unroll before you, and also, most importantly, by spending time daily just being. Just being, as you hold the intent to be loving whatever arises, is enormously powerful and effective, and is a major aspect of the life paths you all planned for yourselves – with major divine guidance – prior to your present incarnation into your human forms in order to be present on Earth for this momentous event. Most of you get very little, if any, feedback on the enormous importance of your individual presence on Earth at this time. Therefore do not allow any feelings of personal unworthiness or insignificance – which are utterly invalid – distract you from the intent to follow your brilliantly planned human life paths, because what you are doing is absolutely essential. Every single human, with out any exceptions whatsoever, IS successfully following a life path that is helping the awakening process; that is effectively galvanizing the collective human field of consciousness toward its inevitable and unavoidable awakening. To awaken into Reality, into knowing yourselves and experiencing yourselves as you truly are – eternally and uninterruptedly at One with your divine and heavenly Source, Mother/Father/God – is your purpose, it is the purpose of every sentient being, because to live that experience is why you were created, and it is God’s only Will for you. Nevertheless, many are presently extremely confused as they attempt to balance their inner spiritual faith/intuition with what appears to be an ongoing catastrophe on Planet Earth that is being caused by numerous human industrial activities, and greatly further aggravated by the ongoing international conflicts. The NEED to be RIGHT that is constantly demonstrated in so many places adds further fuel to the flames of disagreement that is intensifying humanity’s sense of separation from and abandonment by God – if there really was a loving God He would not permit the evil ones to wreak this ongoing havoc on our Planet and on humanity. Therefore remind yourselves frequently that despite the seeming reality of your ongoing experiences of fear, pain, and suffering, that all of these experiences are completely unreal, and only seem real because of your choice to engage with them. The choice to assume human form and experience the unreality of separation, and all that apparently arises within that state, was a collective free will choice, and that free will choice will never be overridden because God – Who is Love without conditions, because that is what Love Is – created you equal in power to Himself in a state of Oneness with Himself, but also with total freedom to use your creative abilities as you wished. Love, Mother/Father/God, is the One and only Reality, and all that She creates is created in and from Love. The one Son of God chose, rather like the prodigal son in the Gospel parable, to claim his inheritance and leave Home. Having for eons experienced the terror and horror of that unreal state, he has, as the human collective, made the choice to return to his Father’s House hoping that he will find acceptance and forgiveness there. But God has never judged him, and never will judge him so no forgiveness is necessary and, of course, the whole eons long experiment has never happened. God’s Love for His children is infinite, eternal, and unchanging. She most lovingly awaits your return to Reality, your Awakening from the nightmare of unreality, with intense Joy. She has always known that your desire to return was inevitable, and at the instant that you made the choice for separation She instantly provided you with the path Home. Because of the apparent reality of the state of separation in which you have been embroiled, you have frequently lost sight of, lost awareness of God’s infinite and eternal Love for you. Consequently, you have been filled with such fear and guilt that although you have been seeking the way Home for eons, you have been doing so while dealing with a powerful internal dread of encountering the intense anger with which the idol you have created out of your own fear, and imagine god to be, will meet you on your arrival. Rest assured that a most outstanding and wholly awesome welcome has been prepared for you all. You cannot possibly conceive of the Joy in Heaven as we await, with the most eager anticipation, your imminent arrival/awakening. God’s Love for you as you fully experience It will blow your minds wide open as inconceivable Joy flows in to fill your hearts as you finally and fully recognize the experiential Truth of your Oneness with Love, Source, God. Your loving brother, Jesus.

' No Single Thing '...

“It is clearly seen: there is not a single thing. Nor are there any people; nor are there any Buddhas. The great thousand worlds are bubbles in the sea. All the worthy sages are like flashes of lightning. Even if an iron wheel were rolled over one's head, samadhi and wisdom would be fully bright and never lost.” .....................Song of Enlightenment By Great Master Yung Chia of The T'ang Dynasty Commentary by Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua Translated into English by International Institute For The Translation of Buddhist Texts
 Dharma Realm Buddhist University, Talmage, California
 Buddhist Text Translation Society, 1983

' NIRVANA '...

The traditional Buddhist belief that all happiness must in the end change into unhappiness is not a cheerful one. It need never be taken too literally as being universally true, nor by itself alone, for there are counter weighting truths. When Buddha brought to an end the meditation which culminated in final enlightenment, dawn was just breaking. The last star which vanished with the night and the first one which he saw as he raised his head was Venus. What was his inner state, then? Did it synchronize with the reputed planetary influence of Venus--joyous and happy felicity--or with the gloomy view of life which tradition later associated with Buddhism? Who that has had a glimpse of those higher states, felt their serenity, can doubt it was the first? The Overself is not subjected to suffering. But this is not to say that it is bubbling with happiness. It is rather like an immensely deep ocean, perfectly tranquil below the surface. That tranquillity is its ever-present condition and is a true joyousness which ordinary people rarely know. This is what Buddha felt. This is what he called NIRVANA. .........................Paul Brunton

' Only Reality Remains '...

The world is but the surface of the mind and the mind is infinite. What we call thoughts are just ripples in the mind. When the mind is quiet it reflects reality. When it is motionless through and through, it dissolves and only reality remains. What is going on is a projection of your mind. A weak mind cannot control its own projections. Be aware, therefore, of your mind and its projections. You cannot control what you do not know. On the other hand, knowledge gives power. In practice it is very simple. To control yourself, know yourself. Deal with your mind first. When you realize that your mind too is a part of nature, the duality will cease. Because nature is in the mind; without the mind, where is nature? .....................................Nisargadatta Maharaj from 'I Am That'

' The Mechanical and Consciousness '...

Divide in yourself the mechanical from the conscious, see how little there is of the conscious, how seldom it works, and how strong is the mechanical - mechanical attitudes, mechanical intentions, mechanical thoughts, mechanical desires. ............................ P.D. Ouspensky

' The Secrets of Source '...

My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists. ............................Nikola Tesla

'' A Sense of Worder '...

This sense of wonder leads most scientists to a Superior Being - der Alte, the Old One, as Einstein affectionately called the Deity - a Superior Intelligence, the Lord of all Creation and Natural Law. ..............................Abdus Salam

' A Purpose for Life '...

When you realize that the laws of nature must be incredibly finely tuned to produce the universe we see, that conspires to plant the idea that the universe did not just happen, but that there must be a purpose behind it. .......................John Polkinghorne

' Life '...

The Christian faith, simply stated, reminds us that our fundamental problem is not moral; rather, our fundamental problem is spiritual. It is not just that we are immoral, but that a moral life alone cannot bridge what separates us from God. Herein lies the cardinal difference between the moralizing religions and Jesus' offer to us. Jesus does not offer to make bad people good but to make dead people alive. ...........................Ravi Zacharias

' Source of All '...

We have only to see a few letters of the alphabet spelling our name in the sand to recognize at once the work of an intelligent agent. How much more likely, then is the existence of an intelligent Creator behind human DNA, the colossal biological database that contains no fewer than 3.5 billion "letters the longest "word" yet discovered?" ........................John Lennox

' Despotism '...

Wherever despotism abounds, the sources of public information are the first to be brought under its control. ...........................President Calvin Coolidge

' The Self '...

The highest state of meditation is Samadhi, where there is no ego anymore, no doubts, no me, no you, no notion of time, no eating, no talking, no walking, no working and not doing anything at all, realizing that the Self is action-less. ..........................Dharma Mittra

' Yoga '...

In the practice of Yoga one can emphasize the body, the mind or the self and hence the effort can never be fruitless. ...........................Tirumalai Krishnamacharya

' The Highest Yoga '...

The mind is responsible for the feelings of pleasure and pain. Control of the mind is the highest Yoga. ...........................Sivananda

' Death and Liberation '...

Don't depend on death to liberate you from your imperfections. You are exactly the same after death as you were before. Nothing changes; you only give up the body. If you are a thief or a liar or a cheater before death, you don't become an angel merely by dying. If such were possible, then let us all go and jump in the ocean now and become angels at once! Whatever you have made of yourself thus far, so will you be hereafter. And when you reincarnate, you will bring that same nature with you. To change, you have to make the effort. This world is the place to do it. ...................................Paramahansa Yogananda

' Natural Laws '...

It is evident that an acquaintance with natural laws means no less than an acquaintance with the mind of God therein expressed. ................................James Prescott Joule

' Degrees and Measures '...

What is it possible to do well, in physics particularly, if things are not reduced to degrees and measures? ............................Alessandro Volta

' Frequencies '...

I do not think that the radio waves I have discovered will have any practical application. ................................Heinrich Hertz

' Frequency and Vibration '...

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. ...................................Nikola Tesla

' Education '...

Enthusiasm is a vital element toward the individual success of every man or woman. ...........................Conrad Hilton

' Education '...

Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it. .....................Marian Wright Edelman

' Healing '...

Healing of the physical without the change in the mental and spiritual aspects brings little real help to the individual in the end. How true, because the mind and the body imprint and imitate each other. What we think, we become. What we become, we think. It's an insidious process that can predispose us to illness or it can lead us to health. .................................Edgar Cayce

Mary Black - Who Knows Where The Time Goes

' Ram Tzu Speaks '...

Ram Tzu is a madman.. He rants and raves Spits, shouts Waves his arms and Talks gibberish. All to get the attention Of phantoms. The authorities take A dim view O such behavior- Ask Jesus. If Ram Tzu were clever He would lay low. No one likes Their existence questioned- It's disturbing. If you don't like Ram Tzu's ravings Take heart, His disciples will eventually Render him palatable. ........... Ram Tzu ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` No Way for the Spiritually "Advanced" Ram Tzu Advaita Press, 1990

' Nameless and Formless '...

Well versed in the Buddha way, I go the non-Way Without abandoning my Ordinary person's affairs. The conditioned and Name-and-form, All are flowers in the sky. Nameless and formless, I leave birth-and-death. ................... Layman P'ang

' Understanding Self '...

The problem lies within the definitions of self and non-self.. The first Reality is to acknowldge that You are not the false self called ego and that You are actually Divine Consciousness.. This is called Enlightenment and requires the surrender of egoic consciousness.. This is our natural state and contains no ego but does contain 'Personality'.. This 'Personality' is called Creator and is the Source of manifestation.. This 'Personality' is Us.. The Final Reality is the state of Nothingness or what is called 'Pure Awareness'.. This is the Void of non-ego and non-Personality.. This is the place that some are speaking of.. This place is rarely achieved by humans while in the manifestations.. It is easier to surrender the 'Personality' of Divine Consciousness while within the state of 'Divine Consciousness'.. This is the "Crucifixion of Self".. The Ending of Separation.. Complete Freedom of Non-existence.. ........................ thomas

' Beauty contains Happiness '...

Happiness lies in thinking or doing that which one considers beautiful. Bowl of Saki, by Hazrat Inayat Khan Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan: What is really good? The answer is, there is no such thing as good or evil. There is beauty. That which is beautiful, we call good. That which is ugly compared with the beautiful, we call evil: whether it is custom, idea, thought or action. This shows that this whole phenomenon of the universe is the phenomenon of beauty. Every soul has an inclination to admire beauty, to seek for beauty, to love beauty, and to develop beauty. Even God loves beauty. In all ages the various religions have given different standards of good and evil, calling them virtue and sin. The virtue of one nation has been the sin of another. The virtue of the latter is the sin of the former. Travel as we may through the world, or read the histories and traditions of nations as we may, we shall still find that what one calls evil, another calls good. That is why no one can succeed in making a universal standard for good and evil. The discrimination between good and evil is in man's soul. Every man can judge that for himself, because in every man is the sense of admiration of beauty. But he is not satisfied with what he does himself, he feels a discomfort, a disgust with his own efforts. There are many people who continue some weakness or some mistake, or who are intoxicated by some action which the world calls evil or which they themselves call evil, yet go on doing it. But a day comes when they also are disgusted. Then they wish for suicide. There is no more happiness for them. Happiness only lies in thinking or doing that which one considers beautiful. Such an act becomes a virtue or goodness. That goodness is beauty. Man is always seeking for beauty, and yet he is unaware of the treasure of beauty that is hidden in his own heart. He strives after it throughout his whole life. It is as if he was in pursuit of the horizon: the further he proceeds, the further the horizon seems to have moved away. For there are two aims: the one is real, and the other false. That which is false is momentary, transitory, and unreliable - wealth, power, fame, and position are all snatched from one hand by the other. ... Man wants something in life upon which he can rely; and this shows, whether he believes in a deity or not, that he is constantly seeking for God. He seeks for Him not knowing that he is seeking for God. Nevertheless, every soul is pursuing some reality, something to hold on to; trying to grasp something which will prove dependable, a beauty that cannot change and that one can always look upon as one's own, a beauty that one feels will last forever. And where can one find it? Within one's own heart. And it is the art of finding that beauty, of developing, improving, and spreading that beauty through life, allowing it to manifest before the inner and outer view, which one calls the art of the mystic.

' The Pursuit of Happiness '...

Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy. ....................Guillaume Apollinaire

' Lying '...

A man who lies to himself, and believes his own lies becomes unable to recognize truth, either in himself or in anyone else, and he ends up losing respect for himself and for others. When he has no respect for anyone, he can no longer love, and, in order to divert himself, having no love in him, he yields to his impulses, indulges in the lowest forms of pleasure, and behaves in the end like an animal. And it all comes from lying - lying to others and to yourself. ...............................Fyodor Dostoevsky

' War '...

War is only a cowardly escape from the problems of peace. ..................Thomas Mann

' Words '...

Words are the clothes thoughts wear. .............Samuel Beckett

' A Veil of Tears '...

Humans can't live in the present, like animals do. Humans are always thinking about the future or the past. So it's a veil of tears, man. I don't know anything that's going to benefit me now, except love. I just need an overwhelming amount of love. And a nap. Mostly a nap. ..................Townes Van Zandt