
' The Beauty of Self '...

The beauty of Self is that it's not a matter of acquiring anything, being held in high regard, or being seen or noticed. It's a matter of being the intrinsic beauty of what you are, that inner blessedness. To experience that deeply, just let it sink in, not as an answer but as a question.

"Could it be that this blessedness is what I am? Could I have been mistaken all along by defining myself as worthy or unworthy or as the social roles that are played in my life? Have I been mistaken and overlooked the hidden blessedness that is in the nature of each and every being?"

This blessedness seems hidden because it cannot be touched, but it is not hidden in essence. It is overlooked because we are looking only at the mind structure, and we are missing what makes the structure possible. Our structures of belief, disbelief, emotions— all of our inner and outer structures come and go.

Only the space that is awake remains. And there is a lot more space in you than there is structure.

- Adyashanti, Emptiness Dancing 75

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