
' A Gaping Void '...

“In the lives of most human beings, everything is about an avoidance of the truth.

The truth that we are avoiding is the Truth or emptiness. We don’t want to see that we are nothing. We don’t want to see that everything we believe is wrong. We don’t want to see that our viewpoint is wrong and that there is no right viewpoint.

We don’t want to see that everything we think about God is what God is not. We don’t want to see what the Buddha meant when he said there is no self.

We would rather quickly insert a positive statement. So instead of seeing that there is no self and that everything the mind holds as true is ultimately empty, our minds will quickly insert something positive like, ‘I am consciousness,’ or ‘All is bliss,’ or ‘God is love.’

We do not want to see that there is a gaping void at the center of our existence.”

~ Adyashanti

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