
' Chasing after states and experiences '...

Don’t make the mistake of chasing after particular states and experiences. You hear about this thing called non-duality or enlightenment and thought reduces it to a state or experience. For example, you hear about great Oneness experiences in which people see that they are not separate from others, from the floor, or from the sky and you believe you must have that experience. Non-dual realization is not a particular experience. It is emptiness appearing as every experience and every state.

One way of pointing to it is with the word “opening.” Do not envision the opening as a state or experience or something to find or arrive at. What you really are is the present opening through which everything arises and falls including thoughts, emotions, beliefs, experiences, and states. The opening never changes. It does not come and go. It is stateless and experience-less.

In realizing that what you really are is this opening, it is seen that every thought, emotion, belief, experience, and state that comes through the opening is not in fact separate from the opening. You are both the opening and that which comes through it. The opening and that which is coming through the opening constitute one present reality happening.

-Kiloby, Scott. Reflections of the One Life: Daily Pointers to Enlightenment

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