
' Beyond words '...

No matter what concept is used to point to the ultimate truth, the concept is not it. The words ‘This,’ God, Oneness, non-duality, Brahman, the Tao, enlightenment, liberation, presence, and the divine are merely representations, all of which belong to the world of dualistic form. The truth involves not only form, but also a formless realm that cannot be described. It cannot be described because it is truly without form, meaning beyond or deeper than the level of ideas. It is the transparent essence of life permeating everything. This formless essence appears obscured when there is attachment to words pointing to this essence.

If you stood next to a tree with a paintbrush and canvas and you painted that tree as realistically as you could, the painting would never be the actual tree. It would lack its formless essence. In the same way, no thought about this truth is the actual truth. At best, it is a representation.
In seeing that this truth is not in the words, the mind stops trying to “get it.” It sees that no attempt to understand the truth conceptually will actually reveal the truth. In that seeing, what is being pointed to with words is revealed to be none other than what you are. This realization is the indescribable truth to which the words God, Oneness, non-duality, Brahman, the Tao, enlightenment, liberation, presence, and the divine are pointing. Don’t get stuck in the words.

-Kiloby, Scott. Reflections of the One Life: Daily Pointers to Enlightenment

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