
The game of ego is boring...

If you speak of non-egoic desire, the voices will sound that you are egoic..

Hypocrisy will be thrown about to defend their egos' and attack yours..

This game of ego is boring..

There is so much more to learn than egoic arrogance..

We are here to return Home..

The egoic-desire is the only wall that prevents Love from climbing this wall..

Beyond the learning of the non-reality of egoic-dream, we must travel within Light..

Light is the First Reality of Consciousness and is Your present state except that You still sleep within Dreams..

Within this state of Light and Consciousness, We begin to look further..

Imagine, looking beyond Heaven and Nirvana..

Heaven and Nirvana are the states of Love and Knowledge,

but, what if there is a place of Creation beyond these two states of First Reality..

Final Reality is composed of Love and Thought and is Your Home..

It is called Pure Awareness,

and answers to no name or personality...


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