

Notice what the mind is doing. It looks out into the world and places a conceptual overlay over what is seen. That overlay is quite often a set of complaints including thoughts about how life did not happen in the past the way it should have happened, life is not happening now the way it should be happening now, or life will not happen in the future the way it should happen. These are all just thoughts. ‘Your’ complaints have nothing to do with reality. ‘Your’ complaints make up the story of ‘you.’ This story is projected outwards, just as a movie projector projects a movie onto a blank screen.

Don’t try to suppress the complaining voice. Allow it to be. Suppression is resistance.

It is more of the story of ‘you’ trying to control and manipulate life. There is only one change that needs to happen in order to see through this illusory story. Simply notice.

Notice the complaining voice as soon as it arises and then notice that what is noticing is awareness itself. That recognition is all that needs to happen. The moment you notice the voice, you see that the voice is not you. It is an object appearing in awareness. You are awareness, not the voice. The false, complaining voice quiets naturally once it comes fully into the light of awareness.

Kiloby, Scott . Reflections of the One Life: Daily Pointers to Enlightenment

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