
The groundless expanse...

“The reason that you struggle is in order to maintain a sense of a separate self, a self which is ultimately nothing more than a defense mechanism against the revelation that no separate self actually exists.

As soon as you stop struggling, you lose the boundaries that give you the sense of a separate self.

With nothing to oppose, the false sense of self evaporates into nothingness, into the Unknown, and you suddenly feel very lost with no familiar ground to stand on. Your identity is cut loose from all that is familiar and know, and you find yourself floating in a vast expanse with nothing to grab hold of.

This groundless expanse is the foretaste of liberation, but few choose to remain in this unknown territory. Instead, most people begin to struggle in opposition to the unknown and unfamiliar vastness until they, once again, begin to feel secure in a familiar sense of self and separation.”

~ Adyashanti
The Impact of Awakening

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