
Jackson Peterson‎ - Transparent Being.

The Perceiver and Receiver.

The world and universe are experienced and known with certainty to exist only within your own mind, as your rigpa projection. Instead of being the receiver and perceiver of perceptions, thoughts and experiences, you as Dharmakaya rigpa are sourcing them, in every case.

That consciousness that "perceives" and "receives" experience and perception is the projected consciousness in Buddhism, known as the fifth skandha: vijnana or nampar shespa.

This is also the projected self you appear to be in your dreams and the self-identity you appear to be in daytime "waking" state. Its always on the receiving end, never as a causative agent. Its projected along with the perceptual display, but with a micro-second time delay that makes it seem to be perceiving something that is "already" there.

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