
Being Tranquillity...

Become acquainted with the "feeling" of Peace. Understand that it is the only legitimate sensation. This "feeling" itself is one's identification, not the body-ego which appears to be experiencing it. Proclaim Tranquillity and insist on being this one only "Round" is "round," forever being itself. Exactly so, Identity does not change; it forever remains itself; nothing changes it; nothing prevails against it!

If one finds him or herself disturbed and untranquil, suffering fear, loneliness, grief or any contrary emotion whatever, he or she need only make the conscious "return" to Identity to re-mind "him or herself" that unchanging Tranquillity is who he or she is -- not grief, not loneliness, not any wayward thing!

No misery can turn Perfection into imperfection; no experience can change Tranquillity-I into grief-I or loneliness-I. We Need Only Insist On Being Tranquillity To Feel Tranquillity! Try for yourself and discover that this is so.

~ From: A Guide to Awareness & Tranquillity, by William Samuel

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