
' Truth is the Highest Religion '...

Those of us who have studied philosophy over many years, know that this doctrine has been around in different parts of the world under different disguises.

The Buddhists aren't the only ones to know it.

The Vedantists know it, the Taoists know it, the Shintos knew about it, Platonists, Egyptians -- even the Laplanders, some of the Laplanders.

Any place where there's been any kind of civilization, there's always been someone who's known about it.

So I don't like people who think that it's something very peculiar to them, that it belongs to their tradition or their religion.

That's not the way to look at it.

Truth is higher than any religion.

It doesn't belong to any religion.

In two or three hundred years, all the religions that we know now may not be around any more.

But that doesn't mean that Truth will not be around.

-- Anthony Damiani August 83

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