
Thoughts on a Monday Night...

Friends speak to me with questions of Reality..

Can I tell them in a few minutes what has taken me a lifetime to know?..

Of course not!..

I can only give them a note from Consciousness and hope that they read it..

They find themselves in 'Limbo'..

A place of unknowing..

A hope of Knowledge but still mired in the mud of ignorance..

They seek Peace and yet all I can give them are words of confusion..

They seek Belief and yet Belief is not found..

What is Belief?..

They know Belief is not found in a book or from the mouths of others..

Belief is personal experience that is found only within Consciousness..

And yet, how can I describe Consciousness?..

The Soul must find the answers to these questions..

I cannot give them, that which they must find first...

namaste, thomas

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