
Know It by Being It...

The jnana or what we sometimes call, the 'knowing' of pure consciousness/presence/God/the Absolute is not really a matter of knowing ABOUT something, as we can know about European history or world politics or nuclear physics.

This consciousness is not an object, but is pure subject.

We can only 'know it' by BEING it, by discovering that we ARE it already.

If we just know what we think of as "facts" about it, and simply try to communicate them in words, our 'knowledge' is purely intellectual and not a simple and direct, existential BEING of this reality that we already are!

It is not transmitted by erudite pundits who can articulately hold forth. It is transmitted and radiates ceaselessly from, the awakened heart as absolute love and clarity.

When one sees this awakened heart radiating from someone, it is quite unmistakable and obvious! It radiantly shines!

Francis Bennett

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